- Also called as light therapy
- It is the therapeutic use of UV rays
- It has been widely used to treat many chronic dermatological conditions.
How Does it Work?
- UV light decreases the local immunity in skin and stimulate melanocytes, reduces pruritus by reducing mast cells & langerhans cells.
Before session these are the precautions to be followed:-
- Genitals should be covered
- Eye shades/ goggles for eyes
- Treatment area is uncovered & non-treatment area needs to be protected
- Frequency of treatment is 2-3 times/week, Depending upon the skin type.
- 1st session is started with very short duration of UV exposure & gradually exposure time is increased.
- Treatment is continued until your skin gets cleared and to prevent recurrence.
- Maintenance is done to reduce the chances of recurrence.
After Session:-
- Protect your eyes for next 24 hrs
- Use sunscreen when stepping outdoors
Phototherapy Types:-
- Broad band UVB
- NBUYB (308-311nm)
- Light via excimer (308nm)
- Vitiligo
- Polymorphous light
- eruption
- psoriasis GVHD
- Atopic dermatitis
- Lichen planus
- Alopecia areata
- Cutaneous T Cell
- lymphona
- Parapsoriasis
- Urticaria pigmentosa
- Dyshidrotic eczema