Birth Mark Removal

A birthmark is a patch of discolored skin that appears at or shortly after birth. Birthmarks can be red, pink, blue, light or dark brown, or black. While most birthmarks are harmless, people opt for birthmark removal in Karnal, Haryana for cosmetic reasons. Some can be treated with non-surgical methods to lighten pigmentation.

Birthmark Removal in Delhi

According to popular beliefs, birthmarks have different causes, including genetics, so-called “cravings” in pregnancy and even lunar changes.

Whatever it is, birthmarks are very frequent and that is why it is important to identify the type of spots to find the appropriate treatment for birthmark removal in Karnal, Haryana as the case may be. .

In any case, birthmarks are not related to health problems and are completely harmless for the most part. However, there are exceptions.

According to studies, 1 in 10 babies in the world is born with a spot or develops it shortly after birth, they can occur in any area of the body and are generally benign.

For some people, this type of stain can pose an aesthetic problem, especially when they have special characteristics such as color, size, relief, as well as their location in visible places.

Types of birthmarks

Considering that the actual origin of birthmarks is unknown, most are considered to behereditary. However, the popular collective consciousness relates them to pregnancy cravings, but it is still more than a myth or assumption, because there is no evidence to confirm it.

Birthmarks vary mostly in shape, size, and color; there are also flat or protruding or even with special shapes.

Vascular birth spots

They are marks caused by an incorrect development of the blood vessels during the gestation period. Its appearance is red or pink and within this category we find angiomas, which generally appear in the area of the neck, eyelids and forehead and their appearance is smooth; and strawberry-shaped hemangiomas that usually have a lumpy appearance.

  • Wine stain: It can appear at birth or shortly after the baby is born. Their color is reddish, although they can change color, texture or size over time. Within this type we also find hemangiomas, which have a reddish tone and can increase in size over the years. Hemangiomas usually lose pigmentation after a certain time, to the point of disappearing
  • Salmon spot: They generally appear on the face or neck area and are also known as the “angel kiss” or “stork peck”. Its hue is pink and is caused when the blood vessels develop superficially, remaining visible. They can disappear by 2 or 3 years of age.

Pigmented birthmarks

They can occur due to an incorrect development of pigment cells, since their appearance is coffee with milk, gray, blue, etc., but in general their tone is quite dark.

Within this category we find nevi or moles, which can be smooth or raised, and Mongolian spots, which are generally large, and gray or bluish in color.

  • Congenital moles: they have different shades of brown or brown and can be hairy. They are found in small areas or entire limbs. They are usually benign.
  • Nevus: When the nevus is whitish in color, it is called achromic nevus, which is directly related to diseases of the nervous system. When the nevus is brown or gray in color, it is called an ota nevus, which represents a great aesthetic problem, but is not harmful at all.
  • Light brown spots: as the name implies, their hue is light brown and they are usually not malignant, but when they appear together in the same area of the body, they can be an indication of a genetic disorder that affects growth of the cells of the nervous system, also known as neurofibromatosis.
  • Mongolian spot: it usually occurs in dark-skinned babies, through greenish, bluish or grayish spots that are located in large areas of the back or buttocks. In most cases, they disappear on their own between 3 and 5 years.

How to correct birthmarks?

Although in many cases the birthmarks disappear spontaneously, those that do not can be corrected without any problem.

Various techniques are used to remove birthmarks. The most effective method of removing a particular birthmark depends on the type, where it is found, the age of the patient, and other factors. The plastic surgeon in Karnal, Haryana will be able to examine the birthmark and recommend the most appropriate treatment for birthmark removal in Karnal, Haryana. The most common technique for removing birthmarks is surgical excision. A plastic surgeon with experience in removal of birthmarks will be the most indicated to perform this procedure and make the scar that remains minimal. However, even a highly trained surgeon will not be able to remove a birthmark without leaving a scar, so in deciding whether or not to undergo surgery.

Over time, hemangiomas will begin to shrink and disappear on their own, but they can be treated with corticosteroids to speed up the process and stimulate the reduction of birthmarks. This is especially important if its location threatens the development of the baby’s sight or other senses. Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment and laser treatment can reduce or eliminate certain types of birthmarks. The plastic surgeon in Karnal, Haryana will be able to recommend the best course of treatment for each patient.

It is important to always go to specialized professionals in order to check the status of birthmarks and their possible treatment for birthmark removal in Karnal, Haryana. Although if we present certain discomforts such as bleeding or itching, we should go immediately to rule out possible risks.