Instructions For Patients After Booking.
- Make sure you have obtained all the necessary information you need, visit our website DRKALRAS.COM or contact us on 7015211854, or Personally visit DR.KALRA’S CLINIC for any clarification.
- The following Blood Investigations need to be done before surgery: Hb%, BT, CT, PT-INR, RBS, LFT, HBsAg, HCV, HIV-ELISA 1 & 2, and ECG Chest in all leads: these are routine investigations that may be done in any laboratory. It can be done with us also. Show the results to a doctor before the surgery.
- You will have to sign a consent form before surgery.
- If you need hotel accommodation, it can be arranged by our staff.
- Any date change, once booked, can be done only if informed well in advance. A last-minute request for a change of date may result in forfeiting the advance.

When Should PRP be done?
PRP therapy typically consists of three treatments in a 4–6 week period, with maintenance treatments every 4–6 months. The price typically ranges from $1,500–$3,500 for the initial three treatments, with one injection at $400 or more. Pricing depends on several factors including your geographic location.
What’s the interval between the two PRP sessions?
Most PRP therapy requires three treatments 4–6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are required every 4–6 months.
How Safe is PRP therapy?
Because PRP is derived from your blood (“autologous” transplantation), there is NO chance of having an allergy or immune reaction. Indeed in the literature, side effects or complications of PRP injection are extremely rare. The main risks include local infection (< 1% chance) and pain at the site of injection.
What exactly is PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), also known as autologous conditioned plasma, is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells. Though promoted to treat an array of medical problems, evidence for benefit is mixed as of 2020, with some evidence for use in certain conditions and against use in other conditions.
How it is done?
Platelets (also called thrombocytes) are one of three types of cells in our bloodstream, along with red blood corpuscles (erythrocytes) and white blood cells (leukocytes). Red cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide; white cells combat infection, and platelets enable clotting and promote healing of injured body tissues. When you cut your finger, platelets are the cells that make it possible to stop the bleeding, block the cut, and allow your body the chance to close the cut.
When should you go for PRP after a hair transplant?
The PRP treatment can be performed 10 days after a hair transplant without any problems. Further sessions should be scheduled for 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months later. A total of 4 treatment sessions is usually sufficient.
Can it be taken together with a hair transplant on the same day?
How many sessions of PRP you should take for the best results?
Most people will require 2-3 treatments to see maximum results, spaced approximately four to six weeks apart.
Are there any side effects of PRP?
PRP may cause mild bruising, swelling, or redness. An infection may occur, but this is rare.
How does it help in hair regrowth?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a novel procedure that uses your blood platelets – a type of cell that helps with healing throughout the body – to potentially reverse hair loss. Another stroke of the hairbrush, another handful of strands, and another visible patch of the scalp.
Is it effective as a hair loss treatment in alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia & telogen effluvium?
PRP was found to significantly increase hair regrowth, and decrease hair dystrophy and burning or itching sensation without many side effects. Singh et al. found in their study that out of 20 patients with alopecia areata treated with PRP, only one had a relapse.
Can females also take it for hair fall?
Though PRP is not an effective treatment for all causes of thinning hair or hair shedding in women, it has been shown to improve hair quality at or near the PRP injection site for patients with female pattern hair loss, as well as several other forms of hair loss.
Is there any restriction on routine daily activities?
Avoid applying ice or heat to the injection site for the first 72 hours post-procedure. Don’t take a hot bath or go to a sauna for the first few days post-procedure. Avoid consumption of any alcoholic beverages for 2 days post-procedure. Avoid baths for the first 24 hours following your procedure.
Who all can do PRP therapy?