This is a disease that causes the loss of skin colour in blotches. The extent and the rate of colour loss from vitiligo is unpredictable it is a long-term skin condition characterized by white patches on the skin and usually have sharp margins the hair overlying white patches of skin may also become white the inside of the mouth nose genitalia may also be involved.
What triggers vitiligo vitiligo occurs when pigment producing cell melanocytes die or stop reducing melanin in the pigment that gives your skin hair and eye colour it is an autoimmune disorder in which our own immune system attacks and destroy the melanocytes in the skin

Is vitiligo a genetic disease?
Yes inheritance plays a role in the development of vitiligo if both parents are affected when children have higher chances of vitiligo it runs in families suggesting a genetic basis but it is not possible to predict the chance that other family member my brother up with you.
About 25% to 50% of people with vitiligo have a relative vitiligo what are the problem discomfort associated with vitiligo vitiligo does not cause any discomfort rather it is only a Cosmetic concern with the people people with vitiligo usually suffers from depression low self esteem difficulty in finding front line jobs

Is vitiligo curable
There is no cure and it is usually a lifelong condition the exact cause is unknown but it may be due to an autoimmune disorder treatment options may include exposure to UVA (Psoralen) or UVB (NBUVB therapy) light but it can be e controlled if we start early treatment of vitiligo with the advancement of new therapy like eximer , NBUVB therapy, use of Azathioprine use of tacrolimnus olint, pulse therapy of corticosteroid we can limit and surely give wonderful results in vitiligo in localised vitiligo with the help of eximer 308 mm and tropical medications viat DERMAWAVE are giving excellent results.
Vitiligo surgery is also an option in case of stable vitiligo which is not responding to topical or oral medication various methods are:-
- Junction blister skin grafting
- Punch grafting
- Non culture melanocyte skin grafting
- Split thickness skin grafting
- Follicular unit extraction
We can also use micro pigmentation tattooing to camouflage the white patch.